

Physiotherapy | Price Guide: €60 - €70

Physiotherapy is the health care profession primarily concerned with the remediation of impairments and disabilities and the promotion of mobility, functional ability, quality of life and movement potential through examination, evaluation, diagnosis and physical intervention Need More information about Physiotherapy? Find out more here

Acupuncture | Price Guide: €30 - €40

Acupuncture is a technique based on Traditional Chinese Medicine which successfully treats pain through the insertion of needles at specific acupuncture points to balance the body’s Chi. Acupuncture is a safe, drug free intervention and painless procedure in which very fine needles are inserted at particular acupuncture points on the body to relieve the symptoms of various physical and psychological conditions, particularly for both acute injuries and chronic conditions resilient to other treatments.

Sports Injury | Price Guide: €50 - €60

Our Physios know, understand and participate in sports themselves and therefore are perfectly positioned to provide you with accurate and sport specific advice & treatment, tailored to your requirements and needs. Sports Injury therapy targets the areas of the body that are most affected by sporting performance. The body feels the repercussions from Sports at any level – you don’t have to be an international athlete to need Sports Physio. Need more information about Sports Injury? find out more here

Excercise Therapy | Price Guide: €30 - €50

Through active graded exercises, patients can be put directly into an exercise program aimed at treating pain and decreased motion, increasing endurance and strength, as well as improving activities of daily living. The system accommodates for treating athletes and ordinary patients with acute or chronic pain. Emphasis is put on optimal grading to increase the tolerance for loading and to normalize muscle imbalance and coordination.

Massage Theraphy | Price Guide: €60 - €70

Sports massage therapy is an excellent way to relieve tension and aid the recovery of an injury, as well as having the potential to enhance performance for sportspeople. With athletes and competitive sportspeople clearly subjecting their body to extremes, it is crucial that they enlist the help of physical exercise experts in keeping their body in the best possible condition.

Orthotics | Price Guide: €80 - €100

Our custom made orthotics are as accurate as glasses. Custom made orthotics help support the bones in your feet and create proper alignment. We make orthotics to reposition the foot structure to reduce the stress and pain on the joints that are causing the discomfort. Your orthotic will gently and consistently hold your foot into the optimum position and allow the foot to function correctly when walking, running and standing. With the help of your orthotics, pressure points, improper rotation of feet and muscle strain can be eliminated and the feet will then be functioning as they were designed to do.

Dry Needling | Price Guide: €60 - €70

With Dry Needling, the needles are used to target the trigger point of the problem muscle, this is known as the myofascial trigger point and is often described as a muscle ‘knot’ which contributes to muscle pain and dysfunction. The needle is gently inserted into the skin directly at this point and often a local twitch response is experienced, this is a good sign and is what the physiotherapist is looking for. It means the trigger point has been stimulated, jump starting the muscle and nerve supply and increasing the blood flow to the area which helps to relax the muscle. When this local twitch response occurs, a brief painful response might be felt but it won’t last for more than a second.

Osteopathy | Price Guide: €60 - €70

Osteopathy is a holistic approach to the human body that uses a wide range of techniques and principles to treat the musculo-skeletal system and other functional disorders of the body. The gentle, holistic approach of Osteopathy makes it suitable to treat people of all age groups including infants, children, pregnant women, adults, the elderly and many more.